What users say about us

Client testimonials

Tani Adams
Software journalist of FixThePhoto
Verdict: Retouch4me is an AI-based software, one of the best plug-in makers designed for fast and professional editing. A neural network automatically detects problem areas on the skin and fixes them. A huge advantage is that the original skin texture is preserved. I also like that skin isn't blurred during retouching and it doesn't acquire an artificial look. Besides, improving pictures becomes very fast.
Zoran Radonjic
Professional photographer (Zoran.Photography)

I'm a commercial photographer, and I do a lot of portrait and fashion work. I've tried all kinds of plugins, Photoshop extensions, and all until now have been just a bit more than a gimmick. They are mostly based of some kind of blurring and frequency separation, and the edits are unnatural, and not fitting for most of images. This is completely different, and quite unbelievable that it manages to do same kind of edits a human would do, and do it so fast and accurate.

For the sessions I do lately, I just let it process whole batch of images via photoshop action, and just review the results at the end to check if there is some detail I would like to adjust. Mostly there is nothing to touch afterwards.

I did a shoot for the company with 400 people - let the action run, and got back to PC after a movie with all the images retouched. You could not expect that with a big team of retouchers, and the price of the plugins is as if you have sent a 1 or few images for retouching.

David Genik
Photographer and retoucher from US (website)
Retouch4me Is Truly Phenomenal. A set of plugins I'm truly impressed with, the results I get are incredible. It's crazy how the plug-ins reduced my retouch time by 70 to 80%. I use to spend hours and hours on each photo and my entire retouching workflow has completely changed overnight. The tools are very easy and straightforward with no complex menus. Retouch4me suite of plug-ins are the first set of plug-ins I've ever used that actually helps my retouching and creates results that are realistic and usable. Every other plug-in creates terrible skin and horrible results. Sometimes the results aren't perfect out the box and misses few things but since you can output to separate layers everything is fully editable and you can built on top of what the plug-in's already created. You just use the same tools you've always used. My clients actually prefer Retouch4me edits over my old manual edits. They prefer the more natural realistic look over my over retouched photos. The difference is 30 mins of editing vs 8 hours of editing. The support team is very fast and response team. They are working tirelessly to improve their software and algorithms. These are the first plug-in's I heard using artificial intelligence with the tools and techniques in photoshop I already know and used for years, makes everything super easy and simple. The tools are very expensive but when you run a headshot business like mine these tools are worth every penny. The plug-ins will take years of development to truly be perfect but the results already are extremely impressive. I really can't wait to see what future updates will bring. I highly recommend it.
Eun Jang

I work as a retoucher in a small country in Asia.

I came across 3D LUT CREATOR and always admired the infinite potential for color correction and the genius of Oleg, the developer who implements it. And that genius is now rooted in the field of retouching. From simple blemishes removal, skin DodgeBurn, and clean background... Retouch4me literally always helps me without saying a word. The better part is that it does not apply blur, but it helps based on the technique of accurate retouching. And not only professional retouch but also ordinary people who are not good at Photoshop get high quality results. Also, even if a minor bug occurs, it shows a very fast response and values communication.

The most important thing is... Retouch4me is constantly researching and growing, just as we learn, practice and work on retouching. While writing this, Retouch4me is preparing to help us hard by learning. Growing, high-quality retouching plug-ins, there's no reason not to buy them!

Sergey Vogel
Photographer from Germany

I'm a photographer and I also take the work of photographers for processing. I ran into a problem in Germany that people here, in comparison with Russians, do not care a bit about the quality of the source images. Both models and photographers. Retouching becomes an unreal headache. Often you have to do not so much of retouching and color correction but mostly cleaning the source.

Long ago I discovered Oleg Sharonov's product line. To say that he is a TALENT will not be enough! I always thank him in my mind while the progress bar of the plugin is moving) I bought the entire line of the products and do not regret a single ruble I spent. It costs so much more! Routine processing steps have become a pleasure, because plugins works for me, and the result is simply impressive. This is a must-have!

What Media say about us

Media mentions

“Selbst die professionelle Hautretusche wird eines Tages niemand mehr per langwierigem Dodge-and-Burn durchführen. Ein gutes Auge braucht es dann immer noch, um etwa die automatischen Ergebnisse selektiv nach den Vorgaben der Auftraggeber abzustimmen. Aber was jetzt schon möglich ist, zeigen die Plug-ins von Retouch4me. Der hohe Preis jedes einzelnen Plugins amortisiert sich im professionellen Alltag schnell. Das Plug-in „Dodge-and-Burn“ erzeugt etwa eine Grauebene, wie sie auch ein Könner erzeugen würde – jedoch in einem Bruchteil der Zeit. Der Vorteil: Man kann dieser Ebene mit den altbewährten Techniken leicht den letzten Schliff geben.”
“The Retouch4me suite would be a great workflow option for any photographer just learning how to retouch. The program is best suited for Photoshop users and Lightroom users who migrate to Photoshop during their workflow. It creates better results than many plugins on the market, such as Portraiture.”
“Retouch4me is an AI-based software, one of the best plug-in makers designed for fast and professional editing.”
“While many “AI” portrait tools will turn the subject’s skin into what can best be described as Barbie-doll level plastic, Retouch4Me’s tools help reduce time spent editing and actually provide great results for fashion, beauty, portrait, and headshot images with minimal effort and stress.”
“Retouch4me plugins take away the tedious part of the work and leave you to do the genuinely creative play with your photos. That’s the real benefit of using them.”
Photoshop User Magazine, March 2022
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Portrait Retouch AI Plugins
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3D LUT Creator Video Plugins
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